Monday, January 11, 2010

Washer Dryer Deals Where Can I Get The Best Deal On Washer And Dryer?

Where can i get the best deal on washer and dryer? - washer dryer deals

find the model you want, I recommend LG

go online and see the offers on the same pattern in different stores. try Home Depot, Sears, Lowe's, Costco, Sam's Club, Best Buy, Fry's Electronics.

Do not forget to calculate shipping, but after a few shops there are free

Then, once you the best price, such as Sears found, call the competitors and see if they were made, they should. If a party to supply and install a quote or something, just ask what they offer the best spice

If you end up going there, where they scratched and dented things that the product is still the manufacturer's guarantee


drgnotar... said...

Sam's Club or Sears

Imaka said...

I have a very good deal at Sears. If you use the extra money that you have a front loader washing machine - big savings on the water.

Miz Lamb said...

In the tooth and save zero. They have one of these shops in every city. That is, a small scratch or dent question. They suggested that over 25% on the price. Sometimes even more!

allysgra... said...

I went to the Future Shop to check the prices, then to Home Depot and had the same but more expensive because the prices were good and took 10% ... It was a Maytag washer and dryer

allysgra... said...

I went to the Future Shop to check the prices, then to Home Depot and had the same but more expensive because the prices were good and took 10% ... It was a Maytag washer and dryer

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