Monday, January 25, 2010

Teen Sucks Boy Troubles...Being A Teen Sucks?

Boy Troubles...Being a Teen Sucks? - teen sucks

Hello to all. Well, today I am so bad. This will be prepared for a cake here in question.

So what do you do if you were the guy asked you three times last year and refused to do every time, and as always, but he likes girls and really stupid people have a chance with him, and discover its really obvious that You and the people who love to laugh, because you are not the only one who thinks that you no chance with him and have people say, you are obsessed with him when you know you're really not?

Oh, and add that you are a total nerd who always has his nose in a book, an extreme fear of public speaking and people in general, that is only three words per week for the boys, you are good ugly, you a obsession with the Jonas Brothers and Twilight (who hates and despises you) who danced with him and pressed against him and noted that he the stupidest thing ever to obtain, since the hope to hug you again and itHe did it because nobody wanted to dance with you, and you're not even sure if the man wants to be your friend (or seen at a radius of twenty feet from you in public), what are you doing?

Please help me. I'm so lost now. Any response is greatly appreciated.
~ Meg ~


everythi... said...

Meg .....

You're right ... a teenager sucks .... Big time. This is a time for the development of his personality and relationships and is also a time that is very motivated and critical ... especially with yourself

You also need to stop comparing themselves to others. Be confident that you are who you are and that's good. Because like everyone else is boring ... ... are unique and interesting and probably more popular as a girl, because you're a nerd and can be a conversation intellegently.

I do not know it make sense ... but can not resist honey. Finally, when the men into adulthood and loves her intelligence to appreciate their uniqueness, because they are made with superficial things.

I do not think you should think that they are ugly. I think they are. We all think that something with us .... is wrong but the truth is ... None of us is perfect.

The nature .... to forget him as a friend. Talk to him and treat him as a friend. When you get back hunting is completely ... aD can not someone like you, do not.

Focus on people like you ... with similar interests.

I LOVE Ghostbusters ... I was researching with paranormal investigators, and my family thinks I'm crazy. I do not care. I do not agree with what they want ... But we do what we love, and if you do love Twilight ... (many many many many young people do not) ... and the Jonas Brothers ... (Many many many many many young people do not) ... what then? It's something that makes you happy and that all that matters.

If he makes fun of you something ... So what? Just kidding guys .... dass love men usually boring ... that's what they do. It is not necessarily to hurt your feelings .. is a form of communication that is comfortable. I do not know, "know a man who does not joke about something .... and I'm 61! My husband is a teaser teaser ... ... my children are angry love my grandchildren .. .. what is comfortable.

How to feel stupid .....

Play Meg .... I think we all PricesThe stupid things, and we have no business feeling stupid. I beat all the time, and to say something stupid ... But when I talk to this person, I think I'm alone to think that! Probably no more than you think .... and probably will not put so much feeling and emotion and I think you're stupid like you.

In other words ... We are our worst enemies. We fight for things, because we care too much what others think are stupid and afraid. Our fears have been too much pressure on us ... and if you do not defend themselves, that the whole time was finally more comfortable with you, what you say and do.

You are too critical of himself .... Honey try to more than positive. You look like a wonderful young man who lacks confidence and is something that work.

There are many self-help books in the library and the library trust ... should that really be a couple and read them and see if you can get a bedHE image.

Quit worry what others say. I am sure that in many cases to build more of what they say ... and hard on his behalf.

You sound like a love .... holds honey ..... Time is your friend ... just try to win the positivity and self-confidence and you will see a new world.


slick detective said...

Forget him and find a man to be treated with respect and cheer you up when you're down (like now) and meet with similar interests egrunning, tennis club, and clubs in general and people share the same interests as you and a friend More important, someone relationship.but respect and I try to not get embarrassed or to use you and love and care for the happiness and best wishes you.Good

Steph said...

Once I was then my best friend asked him! my best friend! can u believe it? my best friend! () and old best friend, so u might find a new man, unless you love it, it's not good for you someone who loves you, who you are to find! (And do not change for him, he does not deserve!)

Latin Lover said...

find another guy who loves you, who you are. Personally, I like smart girls. find someone who fell on the ground, or wait until you come. if it is a ** for you, then it is not hers. losing and finding a man who did not come from the WHO, what they seem.

Lauryn said...

Please, forget it
I like to be her best friend with honest u
go ahead, HES is not the man for u
but I remember one day your prince will come and wipe your feet or
So please just forget Hedgehog
Just Friends with him
love your sis Jonas twilight freak
Jody (Lauryn)

Rob R said...

Get over it
His best time is
Why run after him as he chases the other girls
You have to go and meet new people and someone like you, who you are = P

Nero said...

Do not sell it short. Why do you want to be with this clown?

Yenny said...

nooooo hes not for you ....... Your prince will come.

Sherman L said...

Im sorry, but what you said, HES is not the man for you

Kristi said...

simply forgotten. sounds like an idiot. Why did you want with someone, or as someone who will be ridiculed?

Kristi said...

simply forgotten. sounds like an idiot. Why did you want with someone, or as someone who will be ridiculed?

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